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Skip Bins Now

Thanks for sharing this - good resource!

Alan & Dee Case

We are interested in finding out more about your classes, especially July, Aug and Sept classes. How much? Do we need to bring jars,lids? If we have a pressure canner do we need to bring it? Do we need to bring what we will can or is that supplied? Hope to hear from you soon. Alan

Our phone number is 541-530-7689.

michael chu'di ejekam

Love this. Great work you guys. Would love to see more!

bob banner

for some reason I joined months ago but have never received anything.. I signed in again and it said that Im already a member.. i see there are lots of activities on the calendar so that must mean that we get notified when an event is going to happen? we plan on moving to CG in mid to late august depending on the sale of our home in CA (SLO). check out my website all about radical solutions inspiring hope: www.hopedance.org

thanks for masking this happen!
bob banner

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